1. Definition:
o To court triflingly or act amorously without serious intentions; play at love
2. What is Flirting?
o Letting someone know that you like them and would like to know them better
o It has less to do with how you look, and more to do with how you make people feel
o Social intercourse without the complications
o A form of communication
o Shows appreciation, interest, and attraction
o It is of the moment and should be offered without long-term goals
o It is healthy, enjoyable, and refreshing for both people involved
3. Techniques
o Woman
1. flipping/playing with hair
2. giggling
3. draw attention to mouth (straw)
4. take guy’s hat
5. cross legs toward guy
6. wet lips
o Man
1. tickling
2. winking
3. whistling
4. Smart Techniques
o Smiling
o Physical Contact
o Eye Contact
o Joking Around
o Eyebrow Flash
o Complimenting
o Talking/ Conversation
o Using “pet” names
o Staring
o Body Positioning
o Twirling Objects
o Being friendly
o Calling/ Writing
5. Confidence
o Confidence is the number one turn-on for both men and women
o Walking, talking, and standing confidently lets the other person know you’re sure of yourself
o Be confident, not cocky
o If you love yourself, others will love you, too
6. FLIRTS is…
o Fun- is for fun and should not be used in thought of a long-term goal
o Listen- be attentive to your target
o Interest- flirting shows interest
o Responsibility- make flirting enjoyable. Don’t be a jerk.
o Trust- it’s based on trust; you open yourself to someone else.
o Smile!! :)
7. Observation of Flirting
Always Remember
Flirting is not used for the sole purpose of finding a date or mate, but may often be used for fun. You can’t always take flirtatious behavior seriously- some people like to play.
sr Src: http://cas.bellarmine.edu/tietjen/images/emily_ramser.htm [Available online: 10 March 2010]
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