Most people don't believe that it's even possible for an average guy to pick up a hot girl...But let me prove it with some solid proof...Here is a pick up line I constantly use that never fails no matter how hot the girl is.
Next time you sight an attractive woman...Go up to her...Stand at a convenient distance and stare at her hair...While doing it make a weird face...As if you saw something strange.
Then say- You have something in your hair…
She would get conscious and ask you where?
Then say- Wait…Let me do it for you. Rub your hands through her
hair and say…There you go…All clean now. That would be 10 bucks.
She would say- What for?
Reply by saying- I don't clean people for free...
She'll either laugh or hesitate.
Then say- Well! You seem cute...If you are broke let me give you a bargain deal. You can buy me a drink.
And bam! Within seconds you've sparked a high energy conversation with a female stranger.
But I should warn you here...Just doing this does not mean you will be good with women...I am about to expose some of my stunning underground secrets most guys aren't even aware of.
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