Monday, March 29, 2010

A Pick Line That Works 97% On Every Beautiful Woman

Here Is a 6 Word "Pick Up Line" That Works On Every Beautiful Woman 97% of The Time Regardless of Your Age, Looks or Financial Condition...

Most people don't believe that it's even possible for an average guy to pick up a hot girl...But let me prove it with some solid proof...Here is a pick up line I constantly use that never fails no matter how hot the girl is.

Next time you sight an attractive woman...Go up to her...Stand at a convenient distance and stare at her hair...While doing it make a weird face...As if you saw something strange.
Then say- You have something in your hair…
She would get conscious and ask you where? 

Then say- Wait…Let me do it for you. Rub your hands through her
hair and say…There you go…All clean now. That would be 10 bucks.
She would say- What for?

Reply by saying- I don't clean people for free...
She'll either laugh or hesitate.

Then say- Well! You seem cute...If you are broke let me give you a bargain deal. You can buy me a drink.

And bam! Within seconds you've sparked a high energy conversation with a female stranger.
But I should warn you here...Just doing this does  not mean you will be good with women...I am about to expose some of my stunning underground secrets most guys aren't even aware of.

Img Src: Click Here
Atricle Audio Click Here

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Funny Facts about Men and Women

All men are extremely busy.
Although they are so busy, they still have time for women.
Although they have time for women, they don’t really care for them.
Although they don’t really care for them, they always have one around.
Although they always have one around them, they always try their luck with others.
Although they try their luck with others, they get really pissed off if the first woman leaves them.
Although the woman leaves them they still don’t learn from their mistakes and still try their luck with others.

The most important thing for a woman is financial security.
Although this is so important, they still go out and buy expensive clothes and stuff.
Although they always buy expensive clothes, they say they never have something to wear.
Although they never have something to wear, they always dress beautifully.
Although they always dress beautifully, their clothes are always just ‘an old rag’.
Although their clothes are always ‘just an old rag’, they still expect you to compliment them.
Although they expect you to compliment them, when you do, they don’t believe you. 

Hirochi,  Ukraine

Types of Asian Cheeks

I have excluded South Asian and East Asian in this article, Asian in this article implies to South East Asian, yellow Skin and Chinese Ethnic group.

The naive:
The shy and modest type girl, typical Asian girl, with sensitive sense of humor, reserve with cultural and social values, Smell nice and good choice for future.
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The sophisticated:
Inspired by magazine and glamour, she knows a lot about cosmetics, hair, movies. These kinds of girls are also known as the princes. She is fashionable; her arts in exposing of her body parts such as legs, boobs, hips are power of evil. She knows all the big Brands and she sometimes has some big public figures in her friend lists. They are the type of millionaire's wives...

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The Confused (Punk):
Colorful and short hair, trouble makers, they are extra miles runners, more into music, and video games and sometime into girls, they wear a lot of leather wrist band and funky jeans, Extreme fashion. If you are freaky then they are the best partners for getting along, Over compromising for shy Asian girl.

KipiHaruhiPunk29.jpg image by Kipifan

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The School Girl:
Check ID first, She might have never been to school or she might have borrowed that with her own daughter it could be because she always wanted to go to school and dress her up that way, the time comes for her today. Check her ID. Don't tell me if she has just finished her job (pornography movie).

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The (Anime) Cartoon:
Amazing boobs, round and big, everything is done or born statue, Stylish and rainbow or colorful hair, expensive clothes, fascinated by Japanese cartoon Idol's Fashion. They are fine chicks these types of woman hate tentacles. Be careful, check out for real woman...

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The Queen of Well (Pond):
Enjoys films and TV, Shopping is part of life, Reading is part of activities. Men, Oh yeah heard, they exist, An after marriage toy, and Flirting is not in my dictionary… Jobless MO-FU, wink his eyes, "don't make me Poke em". She looks at her mirror only when she has to make her hair, She thinks the fashion is for attracting the guys but she doesn't need to do that because they are not in her priority list. A lot of attitude, work, office, career, …

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Ladies: If you think you are FAT, here’s a GAME PLAN.

Naturally most of the guys get attracted to slim ladies, I seriously don't know what the exact scientific reason behind this is but they do. When it comes to the point of "to be loved", every women has same feelings, every women would like to have her romantic life, guys running after her, texting them saying "I miss you", "I love you"… all these romance fantasy. What makes only slim/Fit and thin women are getting closer to such fantasy more than fat or overweight women? Only problem is you do look fat, and you don't want to admit it. Ask any guys who they rather choose between fat ladies or slim/Fit ladies? I'm sorry I'm not being offensive here but I'm telling you the truth, I want you to understand it, be logical. Okay, we know the problem here, no point discussing it in details let's dig the solution:

Solution in one line: Get fit/ lose your weight.

It's hard isn't it? Yes, it is hard because you expect it in 2 days/ 3 days. You never plan it for 3 months /6 months. You don't want to wait to get your fantasize romance life, you can't sacrifice for that because you are lazy. Just to get whiter skin many Asian ladies take the course of 4 weeks long cosmetic series and that is not going to be there for longer than another 3 weeks if they stop taking the course which they are aware of. Your whiter skin will not be as attractive as your slender figure, remember that ladies.
Enjoy exercising, spend money on fitness club, or outdoor activities (much cheaper than cosmetics), manage your time, forget the cosmetics, all you have to do that for 3-6 months with a determination, once you get in a average BMI (Body Mass Index), then learn how to dress to suit yourself up, then think about cosmetics. Unlike guys girls do not need to do a lot of things to get into shape, guys lose weight and do not build Biceps and chest that would be even worst, 6 packs is a far way job, every guys talk about it but they can't get it. But you don't need to make those muscles; all you have to do is to get rid of FAT, Baby FAT.
If you love a man then also lose your fat for that man. Otherwise he might not realize that you love him. If you are looking for those high school fantasies, just give away your 3-6 months, what is the problem with you to do that? It's not just to get a man it's also for your own health. Being fat is as bad as smoking, Fat Babies look cute but not adults, Remember. People just don't say it but yes no-one think fat lady is sexy and attractive.


Rule 1: Start your mission right away to lose your weight.

Rule 2: Do not think why you have to do it, but just think you have to do it.

Rule 3: Simplest things to do is to walk on running machine, take your music system make different playlists, put your headphone on and just walk and run do it for at least for 45 minutes.

Rule 4: Do not look and talk to anyone when you are doing it.

Rule 5: Dieting is not necessary, Eat normal food, only avoid some fatty food.

Rule 6: if you are still not motivated then listen carefully FATASS that you look UGLY because of that FAT on your buddy, Do you want to stay ugly for rest of your life or just for these 3-6 months?

Rule 7: Still you are not convinced, admit yourself on the mirror that you are FAT, Check your weight and compare it with some model's weight and what's the different.

Rule 8: Still you are not then I will ask with god, "GOD Save her".

Some facts are bitter.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

STEP 1: Get him to Notice you by .....(well jus read on...) gurls have probably read every damn magazines that asks you to eat this, wear that n buy all that crap you're crazy over..........hmm......well now what??...ive been buyin it, youve been buyin it...ha!...well thats why theyre livin off us...
but yeh....i agree....the personal stories....theyre interesitng to read about!!...

ok...heres fine day...i was walkin around the mall (u know....buyin all crap that i would think wud work for a man to get attracted to me....oh by the way....I am not Mr. HITCH.....hez male (still).....I am Ms. Hitch (not MRS. ....oh no)....sorry for throwin u all off like that)

so where was feedin corporations (i just thought of that right now...hmm)...n saw this above average looking guy sorting through some shirts on discount (we do that too)...well.... a shirt fell...i was walkin by....i picked it up...gave it to him....n he said thanks....n i just innocently smiled.....well i wasnt thinkin of anything!!....really was jus a random evryday shit that happens to us...n we sometimes want to make it into a dream story....well ........something unusual happens after that....that guys wants to talk to me......over DISCOUNT!!!

later.... wonderment took over what jus happened......u know....while sipping coffee at Starbucks...when there was noone else to stare at....or check out...or whatever
Why was that guy suddenly interested in me???....i didnt do anything ....ANYTHING ....i wasnt even wearing a low neckline or somethin......n then it hit me.....THE INNOCENT SMILE!!

well ofcourse...have u seen the massacre by these hot, crazy studded gurls these days.....all guys want is a relief from all the work they have to do over gurls with extreme attitude and hot bods...(ok not hot bods...thats a requirement.....but come on.....they're crazy with I WANT I WANT I WANT ....on n on)

try this INNOCENCE.....that nice sweet look on your face (dont make it scary plz)...n a sweet (i dont want anything from you or vice versa ) smile......will do research hit 79/100 kiddin!!!

...........another thing...........n it works everywhere.....u dont have to prepare for a different venue or atmosphere bla bla bla (exclude funerals plz.....for gods sake)

P.S. I believe you will need Step 2...stay tuned!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Some Facts about sex and intimacy

Many people have been in relationship for a long time but they are always wondering about their sex life, and they talk everything but not the sexual pleasure, the feel embarrassed about their sexual performance and pleasures, this information bellow will help you a lot in your sex life. We have started here, feel free to discuss with MR. HITCH .

  • Oneness 1+1 = 1
  • To be fully Known
  • To be fully loved
  • Fearless of rejection
  • To then love fully

Intimacy is a gift from GOD
  • Requires Creativity
  • KNOWING at a DEEP level
  • Intuiting, Affirming, Respecting, Responding

Crisis in Marriage Administrator (Barna ‘98):
  • 81% Insufficient Time with Spouse
  • 64% Communication Difficulties
  • 46% Suffer Sexual Problems
  • 41% Anger Problems Toward Spouse

Dangers to Intimacy:
  • Uncontested Sexual Sin
  • Unacknowledged Sexual Ignorance
  • Undeserved Sexual Exploitation
  • Unexpected Stress
  • Undisciplined, Unexamined Life

What Happy Couples Say:
  • Make Sex a Priority
  • Learn How to Communicate
  • Learn How to Touch
  • Kindle Romantic Flames
  • Keep a Sense of Humor

Pearls of Wisdom
  • For Her: Affection WITHOUT Expectation
  • For Him: Affirmation WITHOUT Manipulation

What do Men and Women want from Sex?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Funny: Woman Problems caused by men.

If you see this way you will know that it all makes sense now…

MENtal illness

MENstrual cramps

MENtal breakdown


GUYnocologist .


When we have REAL trouble, it's a HISterectomy.

How many more do you think there are problems creates to Male by Female?
Please kindly post on the comment bellow?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Art of Flirtation

1.    Definition:
o    To court triflingly or act amorously without serious intentions; play at love 
2.    What is Flirting?
o    Letting someone know that you like them and would like to know them better
o    It has less to do with how you look, and more to do with how you make people feel
o    Social intercourse without the complications
o    A form of communication 
o    Shows appreciation, interest, and attraction
o    It is of the moment and should be offered without long-term goals
o    It is healthy, enjoyable, and refreshing for both people involved
3.    Techniques
o    Woman
1.    flipping/playing with hair
2.    giggling
3.    draw attention to mouth (straw)
4.    take guy’s hat
5.    cross legs toward guy
6.    wet lips
o    Man
1.    tickling
2.    winking
3.    whistling
4.    Smart Techniques
o    Smiling
o    Physical Contact
o    Eye Contact
o    Joking Around
o    Eyebrow Flash
o    Complimenting
o    Talking/ Conversation
o    Using “pet” names
o    Staring
o    Body Positioning
o    Twirling Objects
o    Being friendly
o    Calling/ Writing
5.    Confidence
o    Confidence is the number one turn-on for both men and women
o    Walking, talking, and standing confidently lets the other person know you’re sure of yourself
o    Be confident, not cocky
o    If you love yourself, others will love you, too
6.    FLIRTS is…
o    Fun- is for fun and should not be used in thought of a long-term goal
o    Listen- be attentive to your target
o    Interest- flirting shows interest
o    Responsibility- make flirting enjoyable. Don’t be a jerk.
o    Trust- it’s based on trust; you open yourself to someone else.
o    Smile!! :)
7.    Observation of Flirting
Always Remember

  • Flirting is not used for the sole purpose of finding a date or mate, but may often be used for fun.  You can’t always take flirtatious behavior seriously- some people like to play.

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Men VS Woman

Some Subtle (some not so subtle) differences

When she flirts with a guy, she says, “I’m just flirting no big deal”.

When he flirts with a girl, he thinks, “Finally! Somebody wants to sleep with me”.
They prefer 30-40 minutes of foreplay
They prefer only 30-40 seconds of foreplay
When She dances with her friend or sleeps with her
When a man shows a brotherhood with another man
Much faster than men, 17 years old female can functions as adult.
High-school romance really works because of guys, they still do trading with baseball cards and giving each other wedgies after gym when they are 17.
Their magazine also featured full with women’s picture
Men’s magazine too full featured with Naked women pictures
Half of the items of cosmetic shop can be found.
Toothpaste and soap may be ran out sometimes.
She carries two shoes; Reebok sneakers and a dress shoes to the work but she doesn’t wear any shows when she is on her desk because her feet are hide under the desk.
He wears the same pair of shoes till the bed time and he gets new pair only after a year.
She keeps all details about their children from their regular habits to doctor’s appointments.
Oh! Its children, when they see the bills.
Dress up
Different dress for different job, shopping, emptying garbage, reading book, work ….
Only on wedding and funeral.
Eating out
Everyone will take out their phone and open calculator after they get the check
Everyone will throw the bill of $20 even if it’s only for $24.5 of check.
Any shiny surface can be use as mirror
Only if he has long hair or good shape of biceps.
They do the best use of it, gossiping, photography, music…
Just a communication tool.
She think as it is step wife of her husband or another girl of her boyfriend
Best invention ever, friend of boredom.
Huge and vital source of information and entertainment for women life.
One of the huge sources of reducing their bank balance.
Rechard Gere
Women like Richard Gere because he is sexy in a dangerous way. 
Men hate Richard Gere because he reminds them of that slick guy who works at the health club and dates only married women. 
They wish to have their butt like her
Her butts is men’s choice
Every men likes when women wear jewelry because they look nice.
I wish I could get away of this RING.